How do I join the BTMA?

Answer: If you wish to join the BTMA complete the expression of interest form which is available on the website or in the back of a copy of the BTMA Buyers Guide and send it to the BTMA Director. Upon receipt the Director will contact you to arrange a NO obligation meeting at your factory to discuss your membership and answer any questions. If you then wish to proceed with membership your application will be posted on the Member’s Only notice board on our website. The notice must be displayed for one month. At the end of this period you will be sent a copy of the BTMA Constitution and a Declaration Form. If you are happy to complete the declaration form just fill it in and return it to the Director who will then set you up as a Member of the Association.

Who can attend the BTMA Meetings?

Answer: Up to 2 delegates from any BTMA Members company are eligible to attend any of the BTMA regular formal Meetings free of charge. Any company who is looking to join the Association is welcome to send a representative to a meeting as a guest of the Executive Committee. Additional delegates from companies are most welcome to attend the meetings, however , the additional attendance costs will be invoiced.

What is the Cost of Membership?

Answer: The cost of BTMA membership is determined by the companies turnover. When joining the BTMA you will be asked to disclose to the Director your companies turnover for the last  financial year. Subscriptions are collected quarterly in advance and currently range from £720 to £1600 per annum and includes the cost of the A4 advertisement in the  annual Buyers Guide. 

How do I get into the BTMA Buyers Guide?

Answer: The BTMA Buyers Guide is only published once a year and only BTMA Members advertisements are eligible to be included in the guide. So, you must be a Member of the Association before November to get into the following years guide. The BTMA Buyers Guide is a very cost effective way of advertising your business with the costs of publication for the flowing year being included in the yearly BTMA subscription collected quarterly in advance. If you join the association part way through a year you will be asked to pay the proportion of the Buyers Guide fee not collected from your company subscriptions to have your entry included in the next years guide.

Am I eligible to become a BTMA member

Answer: Companies that manufacturer engineering components within the UK, with at least 50% of their turnover being supplied on a subcontract basis, are eligible to apply for  Full Membership. Companies who supply equipment, materials or services into the UK subcontract engineering market are eligible to apply for Technical Membership of the Association. However Technical Membership numbers are limited by the Constitution of the Association. 

What are the Benefits of Membership?

Answer: The benefits of membership are many:- Regular meetings providing the ability to network with companies in the same industry and find out what is happening in the sector. Learn of new technologies and new legislation. Access to reduced prices for Exhibitions, BSI publications and some tooling along with very cost effective advertising of your business in the BTMA Buyers Guide, this year's guide went to over 17,000 buyers and decision makers. Members also have access to industry leading training schemes and exhibition support, (The BTMA have had many pavilions for Members at the Mach and Subcon shows over the years and has the experience within the membership to help any Member that is new to exhibiting) Opportunities to visit overseas machined part manufacturers to see how they do things and see the latest developments in machine tools. Our website, which advertises our Members businesses gets hit about 20-30 times each day by people looking for suppliers and has a Member’s Only area containing a wealth of information including sales leads from time to time.  

What is the BTMA ?

Answer: The British Turned Parts Manufacturers Association (BTMA) is the trade association representing British repetition subcontract engineering companies. The BTMA members are among the best of British manufacturing. The BTMA provides a focal point for Buyers to find new reliable suppliers via its website and yearly Buyer’s Guide handbook. It helps member Companies market their business via the BTMA website and the large 17,000 plus circulation of the Buyers Guide to buyers and decision makers in the UK and Europe.  It provides exhibition support for Subcon and Mach shows. The BTMA saves members money on Exhibition rates, BSI publications and some tooling. The BTMA provides Members with a wealth of information with State of Trade surveys, Technical Reports, latest technology information and legislation updates. The Association hold regular meetings for the membership to network and learn what is happening in the subcontract engineering market.  The Association also provides the membership with a vehicle to lobby the government and the Banking sectors for changes effecting the Industry via its membership of the Engineering And Machinery Alliance (EAMA).